Random Thoughts..
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Long nights and lonely spaces
I must learn how to unwind. Living alone in a city is somewhat of an exercise in self restraint. And more so when the fine line between office and not-office-at-home has blurred to this large an extent. The first month was sheer hell. Work was not happening and to top it all there was this uncertainity in where I would live. Now there are nights which are long enough to devour all reason and a thousand thoughts flicker across the mindspace like a thousand lights on diwali day. And one by one, they draw themselves out. It becomes very constricted living in the room all day. With the noisy refrigerator for company. Nowadays, even the ring of the cellphone on holidays makes me seethe with rage. Intrusive ? Or perhaps a pointer to the fact that office is never far behind.
I began to read books. One of the positives of living at Defence Colony is that a few good bookstores are very nearby. There is Bookmart at SouthExtension, Seagull and of course the Corner Bookstore. But then books have an odd habit of seeding ideas. And I for one hunger for days where not an errant idea will flit across my mind. Consequently, too much of OpenSource does not provide solace. And as months pass it is evident to me that Delhi has changed me.