Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Sometimes it is just too much
Sometimes it is just too much
The callous fashion in which companies treat service requests is an area of concern which could well determine the last man standing.
Take these small examples. Around 2 issues back ACI ran a full page advertisement in Express Computers about the recent models of laptop available. Coupled as it was with Via's Ravi Pradhan's optimism about the market-sense of such an offering, I sent an e-mail to the address provided sales at aci-asia dot com. For added measure, a brief perusal of the site provided another address amit at aci-asia dot com and the same mail was re-sent. It is to be noted that my contact GSM # was provided. That was sometime back - No Response. Now for an organisation in the service industry, such a lack of basic rules of Customer-Managed Relationship protocols is really frightening. The question thus is - are these organisations ready to break into the big league ?
At the same time, we could talk about Computer Bookshop India. Having ordered a few books and paid through credit card, was awaiting the delivery of the books. I went to the site (which could do with a better UI though) and checked that the 'books had been delivered to me on 31st Mar'04'. Clarifying this ambiguity through e-mail resulted in the most prompt response that addressed the send date as well as talked about measures to contact channels if required for further queries. That is what I call good response.
Suffice to say that even Rediff or Indiatimes are not capable of being that responsive. The latter, for sometime had an object on the Shopping page which it no longer carried in its inventory - now that was some experience.