Random Thoughts..
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Not placing a pre-order for the Adam

Along with a whole lot of people I have been waiting for the Notion Ink tablet. In spite of the delays, the somewhat pretending-to-tease-but-actually-vague nature of the blogs and so on. I haven't used a tablet for a long time and certainly cannot afford an iPad or, even a Galaxy Tab at this stage. So, when the announcement finally came I was a bit disappointed and I don't think I am going to put a pre-order for it.

Here are my preliminary reasons for arriving at that decision:

  • No idea what the actual device looks like and performs. Curiously enough, there are no photographs or, videos (unboxing and others) that are generally associated with a product launch and availability. I can appreciate the need to keep things wrapped up but unless I see the tablet doing fancy things it would be difficult to put money on faith on the technical specifications.
  • Having to pay money up-front without knowing about device availability and of course this bit about the Pixel-Qi screen being sold out. I would have rather preferred to place a pre-order, confirm when the device SKU is available and thereafter pay up. I know that I gladly accept pre-order pay-ups when placing them on Flipkart but there is a significant difference in the quantum of money involved.
  • None of the reviewers/sites I read up to know about devices has a review of the device. And, this is odd. I find it an impediment to my purchase.

I hope that at some point all these would be addressed and perhaps I would be able to buy it off the shelf. I think I'll wait till then.



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