Random Thoughts..
Friday, January 21, 2011
Too much schadenfreude ?

I was reading the tweet-stream of MTV India. Looks like they are holding a preview of the upcoming Roadies 8 at a tweet-up. Curiously 'social' I'd say. The previous seasons of Roadies didn't really have as much social heaving that this one seems to have.

However, the hashtag also led me to ponder about what gets us into mass schadenfreude ? Why do the baser parts of human actions seem to titillate and entice us into extracting some illicit enjoyment ? In current times we are less prone to appreciate a good turn than we are to snicker at someone's goofing up or, making a reasonably pathetic act of themselves. We are lesser and lesser getting used to the idea of saying "Thank You" and being gracious for the smaller things and more prone to boorish behavior in civil society and public places. The very fact that they try needs to be applauded but most of the shows ratchet up their viewers by highlighting the most embarrasing parts and in a subtle way exhorting the in-studio audience to mock it.

I wonder what it does for the psyche of the participants and, the audience !

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