Random Thoughts..
Friday, February 04, 2011
When the timeline becomes a fire-hose

The events at Egypt have turned my social media timelines into a fire-hose. In earlier days, no, make that into when-we-were-young days, we'd have to wait for a while to get analysis of similar events. These days it has become much easier to access but much harder to parse because of the overload.

Which brings me to this thought of being able to manipulate the timeline to read what I want. The basic principle is to apply a set of pre-determined ranking or, scoring to each tweet from a contact about a specific topic/trend/keyword. Thereafter, set a floor in order to display tweets only above that score. And, 'mute' the rest.

It could, perhaps, be linked with the Klout.com score and hence the basic criteria could be "display tweeters with a Klout score above xx tweeting about #trend".

The other option of course is to just get off twitter ;)

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