Random Thoughts..
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
On greed of a different sort

The problem with greed is that it is inevitably linked to downfall. Greed or, the sin of excess is one of the seven deadly sins. And it is probably the easiest to fall for.

Self control is an exhaustible resource. And, there are times during my training walk+runs that this is completely evident. The urge to just give up and return home is such a sweetly dangling temptation that one can actually probably feel the neurons acting in concert asking the muscles to work that way. So, the only way to counter the temptation is to invoke greed - a sinful need to do better. Over a small period of time my walk+runs have notched up from 1.5 km to 5 km. I consider a tremendous improvement especially because I can actually feel the difference. The problem is that I become greedy. In spite of a pretty much decently chalked out schedule, I decided that I'll push for half a kilometer more at the same pace. This morning.

Guess what ?

My legs are such a sheer mass of pain today that I'd rather go home, tuck in and let them be. Gordon Gekko was right - greed clarifies.


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