If love brings joy then why do we find it difficult to love ?
I wonder if it is alright not to regret over a decision which involved firmly believing that consequences be damned there will be no regrets.
Given that it is unusual in any case, is it a normal reaction to feel a tinge of regret ? Or, in other words, can feelings and expressions of regret be completely negated specific to decisions and to individuals ? If indeed that is so, can they be expanded to become the underlying core of leading a life ?
Over a period of a week I've watched, read and talked with a not-really-a-friend (as in, I'd have never believed I was on the list which this person maintained to share thoughts with) going through a situation I went through a decade ago. And, taking the same stance, for similar reasons. But, regretting it so deeply that there is some element of personal failure and low self-esteem going around. As I write this I don't really have a handle on how this situation is going to turn around. I'm a bit not-optimistic about the eventual outcome.
If love brings joy then why do we find it difficult to love ? Purely selfish reasons should compel us to be loving and be eager to lead happy lives.